“I was very impressed by the excellent scenarios and development of the cases” — Reader’s Favorite

Global Ebook Awards 2019 Winner – Book Excellence Awards 2019 Finalist – Digital Book World 2019 Awards Finalist – National Indie Excellence Awards 2019 Finalist – International Book Awards 2019 Finalist – San Francisco Book Festival 2019 Honorable Mention – Foreword Indies Awards 2018 Finalist
Case Master is an award-winning collection of thoughtful practice cases for consulting which will enable you to get a competitive edge for your upcoming case interviews. Case Master cases are all made to the highest standard and are custom-designed for optimal preparation and achieving mastery of all the core skills for case interviews: analysis, synthesis, calculation, estimation, and creativity.
Maximizing the breadth and depth of your learning, Case Master is the only resource to offer concept-driven cases, challenging blindspots, “guesstimateable” axis variables, customizable case difficulty, and handy case kits for partner practice. Alone or with a practice partner, with Case Master you will scrutinize all fundamental case types (profit-and-loss, sales growth, market entry, investment, and counter-competition).
Whether you are a graduate student or an experienced professional seeking to break into strategy consulting, Case Master will be an investment into your professional future and will help you develop higher levels of both competence and confidence. Go beyond the resources that competing contenders already know and dare to become a Case Master.

Add Value · Make a Difference · Multiply Returns · Divide & Conquer
Business Mental Math redefines mental math by offering you an easy-to-follow algorithm for each arithmetic operation —addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division— and a bonus one for validating results. Concise and presented in plain English, these ready-made algorithms allow you to make optimal choices within an inventory of mental math techniques to ace any calculation.
To practice the algorithms, Business Mental Math offers relevant exercises set in real-world business contexts, asking you to compute values for useful business metrics. Furthermore, a free companion to the book —the Business Mental Math Randomizer— provides you with infinite mental math practice to ensure your mastery of every technique.
Devoid of theoretical and historical digressions, Business Mental Math sets one practical goal: to help you make quick and accurate computations in your mind, so that you can shine in case interviews and excel at graduate-level standardized tests.

The Art of Consulting Decision-Making: 100% Mutually Exclusive and Collectively Exhaustive (MECE).
Framework is the only resource that offers a comprehensive guide to the most challenging part of a consulting case interview: structuring.
Required of candidates in the decisive first minutes of a case interview, a case structure forms the interviewer’s first impression of your preparedness, creates an expectation about your upcoming performance, and lays the groundwork for asking the right questions and ultimately cracking the case.
Framework presents for the first time a detailed classification of the business challenges that strategy consultants confront and a state-of-the-art framework to ace each one of them. Doing so, it takes a company-neutral approach and lays out a universal method that is relevant throughout consulting companies rather than referencing a single firm’s school of thought.
Written in plain English and featuring beginner-friendly definitions, Framework helps you instantly improve your case structuring skills and immediately solve cases like a professional consultant.
About the Authors

Valentin Nugmanov is a multilingual strategy consultant with extensive international experience across five countries.
He holds a doctorate in Management Science and a Specialist degree in Advertising from Moscow Polytechnic University, as well as several Master’s degrees.
These include a Master’s in Urban Studies, funded by the EU’s Erasmus Mundus Scholarship, from the University of Genoa and the University of Seville, a Master’s in Innovation Management from Paris-Dauphine University and Mines ParisTech, and a Master’s in Sociology from the School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences and Moscow State University.

Ronald Clouse is an Associate with the global consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton in Washington, DC.
He received his doctorate from Harvard University in biology and worked for several years during the dot-com boom at the investment bank D.E. Shaw & Co. in New York City.
He also has a Master of Science degree in animal behavior from the University of Florida and a Bachelor’s degree in area studies from Duke University.
He has worked at Union Bank of Switzerland and the American Museum of Natural History, and he has published dozens of scientific articles in computational biology, DNA analysis, and evolution.